Friday 30 December 2011

another year, another cheer, another beer

I don't drink beer, but vodka and pink lemonade doesn't have the same ring to it. I also nearly wrote bear which would have made no sense at all.

My brain is almost completely frazzled after an hour of cramming every possible idea I had into an essay plan before I go away for the weekend for a 21st birthday/ new year piss up, so you can imagine I will be non functional by the time I arrive home on Sunday so essay plan needs to be done in advance. But it has left me feeling not too Thursday (I know it's Friday) enthusiastic but I will try and tap something fun and interesting into my keyboard.

With it being new years eve tomorrow and all (as well as a certain friend's birthday eve who's name rhymes with Jamie) I thought I'd do a new year blog, you know how I like to be topical. I quite like new years. It gives you something to look forward to after you've opened that last present and Christmas ends. I hate seeing anything Christmassy after the big day, it's like seeing a bottle of wine when you're hungover and you realise how much you over indulged. So yes new years is great what with an excuse to get absolute trollied and kiss any willing stranger within 10ft of you. However I have to come to have a profound hate of new years resolutions. 
(see insufferably dull, if you ask me new years resolutions are a great big kill joy)

The other day someone, someone old, asked me what my new years resolutions were. Firstly, that's always such a boring fall asleep in your food conversation because everyone always just says 'lose weight' which is a no brainer seeing as the average tubby little Englishmen eats about 6000 calories on Christmas day. And I secondly don't enjoy this question because she says 'resolutionS' meaning I'm meant to have more than one. Resisting the urge to just give her the Jenna Marbles face (youtube if confused), I politely reply the one about losing weight and that's pretty much it. This woman then further ticked me off with the surprise that I only had one resolution. 
(Jenna Marbles 'the face'- another mention Jenna? Promise she won't be in the blog next week)

It's not my fault if I've been that perfect all year that I don't require to have a great list of wrongs to right! Isn't it a good thing to be satisfied enough with my life that I don't feel like I need to improve on it? I hate people who decide to have really unattainable resolutions like 'get married' or 'meet Daniel Radcliffe' cause chances are your just setting yourself up to fail. My new years resolution last year was 'to eat a kebab' and I did that and I'm totally satisfied with my achievements. 
(Now if that isn't a step in the right direction for new years I don't know what is)

The whole point about new years, surely is the fact that it is a NEW year. So surely you don't want to be dragging all of last years baggage into the new year. Its a whole blank canvas for you to trip up and make mistakes that you did last year all over again. I've had a few embarrassing incidents last year and a couple particular foolish drunken ones that I'd rather just say 'Happy new year lets forgive and forget to.' Not how can I further complicate these issues by working out how to resolve them! A new years resolution assumes that you completely f**ked up the previous year and it needs rectifying. To be honest I already have two assignments due in and I could do without the extra stress! 

I always do mourn the previous year a little. Everything that happened in it is suddenly no longer part of your life, it's all suddenly last year. I always find it seems saddest with long distance friendships cause all of a sudden the last time you saw them was last year. 

So after that long, probably not very enjoyable rant seeing as it's simply seeping with pessimism, I have realised that I hate new years resolutions even more than I first thought. I think the only way you can possibly deal with losing the year is to pat yourself on the back for surviving another year and plan many things to look forward to.

As for any new years resolutions I guess all the generic ones go for everyone, lose weight, work harder, be nice, my only personal one might be to remember more of my nights out...starting 1st January.

Happy New Year!

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