Thursday 15 December 2011

Haters gonna hate

why do girls hate each other?

This is something  that I can't work out why it happens, and it's something I really hate but it's something that can't be helped like pubic hair.

I've been thinking about this all week. Ever since I sat on the bus. Sat on the bus listening into peoples conversations (which is one of my complete favourite past times.) These girls sat in front of me were laughing and giggling and just having the most fun about to go off to jamie's italian for a Christmas meal. Fair enough, but all I could think was 'urrrgh bloody bitches, they're parents are obviously loaded if they can swan off to jamie's italian this late into term. Bet they're boyfriends are rich too, hate them.'

Why? What a self important judgemental bitch I am! These poor girls were just going for a nice meal and being happy about it and I hated them? Ridiculous. And we all do it. Jenna Marbles had it to a T in her video 'Sluts on Halloween' when she did the impression of girls hating in each other 'oh my goddd, have you seen that girl? Look at what she's wearing, who does she think she is?' (watch it you'll get it.) 
(I'm so pleased with this, going up in the technological world)

Who does she think she is? WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? Well in girl world she's probably quite paranoid and self conscious as it is, is very pleased that she's managed to put together a half decent outfit. She's definitely not done it to purposefully piss any other girl off.Who is this person that you have to think you are to get away with an outfit? What has happened to us? What has happened to the girl power and spice girl generation? Why do girls hate each other?
(Looks like posh is on the war path cause Scary is pulling off the posh look better)

Pretty sure a lot of girls hate me, and probably with good reason to, these reasons I shall not reveal because it will probably condemn me to a life of solitude. But I know about these girls that hate me. I dread to think about the ones I don't know about, about how many girls have sat behind me on the bus thinking 'gosssh look at her, wearing odd earrings, she has hair that Wilma Flintstone would be proud of, Jesus are those creole earrings  she's wearing? who does she think she is Lily f**king Allen?' certain amount insecurities expressed there!

I was trying to compile a list of reasons as to why we would all irrationally hate each other. I was trying to think of girls who me and my friends all hate and the reasons why. And the number one hate mission we seem to have is sluts, slutty girls. I thought about what constitutes a slut in our eyes. These days you don't even have to be slutty to be a slut. In our eyes anyone who wears a skirt above the knee, ever kissed anyone ever in a club, has a hair colour that comes from a bottle, wears eyeliner or has slept with more than one person could easily constitute as a slut.

 There are of course the girls who are little more obvious than that (who's looking at you Dolly Parton!) But maybe they're just being honest where we aren't. Yeah I might look class in a Glass stepping into ramshackle in my Ted Baker dress but if my list is anything to go by I am just as slutty as these other girls!  Maybe we're all just jealous.

All of these things I have been saying all just indicate that I'm jealous. We're jealous, we are. I didn't hate those girls on the bus because I was completely anti Jamie Oliver or children being given money by their parents or because I am so feminist I don't believe in boyfriends. No it was because I wished I was on my way to stuff my face with carbonara and wash it all down with chardonnay whilst flicking my perfectly quaffed hair instead of going home to microwave a jacket potato that looks more like a tree it's been in my fridge so long and hacking my way through an essay plan.

It's no wonder there's so much girl on girl hate. If you think about songs we sing along to when we're after a guy they all encourage us to hate our fellow sisters. "Don't you touch my boyfriend" how about boyfriend why don't you stop prowling after other girls and stay faithful to me? Or "hey hey, you you I don't like your girlfriend" you don't know his girlfriend, you just don't like the fact he's with her not you. Don't hate your girls hate the men, maybe we attack the girls because we know how to deal with them, we feel like we can take them on?

And of course as soon as your friend hates someone you have to hate them to, that's not an option. And from the evidence I have gathered she probably hates them for silly reasons so why all the hate? (I sound like I would quite happily fit into Destiny's Child or The Eurythmics with all my sister gospel) Though apparently we're all very aware of why we all hate each other so much, every girl I asked knew it's cause they were jealous. 
(none of them look like Beyonce?)

Trying to tie this all back into to fashion is not proving easy. I've realised that I've started to go off on a tangent these last few posts and just ranting rather than being a fashion nerd. However one of my newest friends in my life helped me out, she's slightly older (not much though I hope I've not offended) so these are wise words. 

When I asked why do girls hate each other? She replied 'It's always down to what girls think of you, a guy doesn't notice what shoes you're wearing, you did it to make girls jealous.' This is true, when I detag myself in a photo it's usually because I think 'sugar (usually use a ruder word) I don't look half as nice as those other girls' I don't judge myself as an individual, I look at myself in comparison to the rest of the group. I'm a spoilt brat, I want to look the best.  I may as well start wearing one of those t shirts that 5 people can fit in so I don't get jel.

As one very minor character in a blockbuster movie said 'I don't hate you because you're fat, you're fat because I hate you' (boy I bet she hates Lindsay Lohan for stealing the lime light.) And so Tavi Gevinson, I want to aplogise, I hate you because I'm a jealous girl not because you're an annoying spoilt brat who's blog isn't a patch on mine.

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