Friday 1 July 2011

Gentlemen's relish

So for the entire last week I was completely infatuated with the idea of doing a London blog, a) because I spent my entire weekend there so it would be super easy to find inspiration, b) because I totes love London and c) I have come over with a ridiculous case of Made in Chelsea obsession. See, this is what happens when you go to uni, your expectations go way way up and any life but Chelsea life seems pointless.

 But when I came to actually type/write (circle correct verb) my brilliant London blog I found myself with very little material, I had no photos to work with,  no ground breaking ideas, no clever little quirks to make you all laugh. And also who wants to really here blab on and on about how much I hate my life and how much I love Caggie's and Millie's and Hugo's blah blah blah blurghhhh.....

However my whirlwind trip up to London did bring something to my attention. Standing at the tube station/ sitting on the tube you can't help but indulge in a little guy spy (play on words, I'm so clever) and me oh my did I spy! Now I'm a girl who likes a good dresser (my biggest crush being Mark Ronson hello!!!!) and can those London boys dress?! Now I'm not talking about bed hair, 10 year old trackies looks like your either really hungover or just rolled out of the gym look. No no I'm talking about cool, taste-ful, clean shaven, on trend, looks like you just stepped off the cat walk look. 
(oh Mr. Mark why can't all men dress like you? I could have literally put a whole gallery of images here!)

Now usually these boys are few and far between (like trying to find David Gandy in Primark) but in London they were popping up everywhere (maybe I just attract beautiful men?) And this got me thinking, why can't all boys dress like this, why can't they dress how women WANT them to dress?

But what do women want men to dress like? Doing a bit of research I came to one very particular common ground that women tend to enjoy about a man. The suit, the smart dresser, the slick kid.
(David Gandy, D&G's hottest model looking lip lickingly good in a suit.)

As we saw in the latest series of the apprentice, Leon received great applause for his dapper dressing and school boy charm. So what is it about this magical two piece that gets our knickers in such a tight twist? Well the answer is simple, no one in a suit is gonna mess you about, no one in a suit is going to use you purely for that junk in your trunk, no one in a suit is going to shout 'getcha tits out for the lads' or so they'd have us believe.
(Leon Doyle, rocking the classic pea coat, adorable.)

The suit connotes wealth and class and sophistication. You're gonna have fun with that guy in a suit, he's going to take care of you and hold your hand, and really truly isn't that what we want? To be rescued? The suit says dinner at the Ritz, champagne, dancing and silk sheets. Trousers that sit lower than your cheeks say trip to ASDA, frozen pizza and a scratchy sleeping bag. Nahhhh aaaaahhhh, nooooo thank you!
(Come on boys do you honestly want to look like what's his face from one direction?)

But surely we aren't expecting black tie attire everyday, and surely that's not what I was spotting on the tube? So what was it about all these boys in London that was so very aesthetically pleasing to me? Well they all had something that just drives me wild. Style. Now if you think about women I'm sure you describe every one of your friends style as different to one another, now think about your guy friends, are you conjuring up the same mental image as I am? Jeans, t-shirt, Superdry/ Jack Wills jumper and /or gilet and toms/ trainers? Yeppp I thought so.
(Literally this could be any boy I know from behind, wouldn't be able to pick them out from a line up, I was tempted to use photos of people I actually know, but then I'm not protecting their un-stylish privacy.)

Some might argue that there's just not enough choice of men's clothing or that to look stylish costs you your entire student loan. I beg to differ. Pretty sure that these boys travelling by tube aren't living the Hugo Taylor life style. I'm not asking you boys to wear jeans so tight that you will be arrested for indecent exposure or wear suits in bed. I'm just saying DROP THE SUPER DRY, approach a new shop maybe go mad go vintage! And there is nothing wrong with a little pink.

NOTE TO MALE READERS OVER THE AGE OF 50- this blog need not apply, your pretty much past the stylish stage try and stick to classic instead, no skinnys or piercings for you!

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