Tuesday 21 June 2011

A very stylish dictatorship

Flicking through ELLE last night I saw the most perverse thing, so perverse I actually performed a double take. A pair of (pause to gag) Crocs! What on earth? These hideous plastic garden shoes are in my magazine? My bible?! Pause for thought, usually I take absolutely everything ELLE says to me as gospel, I wouldn't dare argue with what they're saying because surely they're the experts, ELLE is our fashion leader...
(ELLE July 2011- can you Adam and Eve it?)
Then it hit me, is this an industry or a dictatorship? If anyone else was enforcing the law on us as much as the fashion industry enforces its fashion law of order on us we'd call them a dictator and send 'our boys' out to shoot them down. We never listened to Hitler so why do we kowtow continuously to the fashion industry's rule of right and wrong and no room for middle ground, when it comes to style. Surely they've made some blips? Are there some cases when the fashion industry should just shut the f**k up?
(Are you kidding me? Illamasqua make up advert- ASOS May 2011)

I can actually think of whole designer houses in which their clothes are extremely questionable but I have found myself defending them by claiming that fashion is a form of art. Oh come onnnn! Clothes are for wearing not for making some vegan statement. But yet I constantly defend these designers like some poor loyal girl friend who's had these ideas knocked into her.
(Margiela's repeat ridiculous creations.)

 Is fashion therefore some kind of propaganda? With magazines telling us this 'is the new look' 'summer ESSENTIAL.' 
(Look of the week- if ya wanna be looking stupid.)

Much to my further heart break I realised that the fashion industry is not only selling us these ridiculous items we don't need but they are also selling it to us for extortionate prices. Like the much slated fruit print that appeared in Prada and Stella Mccartney this spring costing hundreds of pounds. 
(Famously slated by the Guardian, the not so worshipped fruit dress- Stella Mccartney)

Are there situations when the fashion industry are just taking us for mugs? selling us hideous conceptions that are gonna cost us an arm and a leg. Like the famously un-trendy idea of sandals and socks that has flown down the runway this summer, are these designers just laughing at us behind our backs?

I think it's very much a case of don't always believe what you read. Crocs will ALWAYS be hideous no matter how comfy they are, visors should be kept on the Williams sisters and the fruit print is a big no no. Just because they're wearing it in Paris does not make it stylish (if anyone ever met my French exchange they'd understand, she looked like Dobby on acid.)

In any case my darlings, Dior always gets it right.

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