Monday 6 June 2011

In a Brighton state of mind

Brighton is one of those places where you can just be. There’s something for everyone even they won’t admit it. You can be fat, thin, gay, straight or just totally socially inept and no one will care because you can pass off insanity as a cool mood swing or attitude adjustment.

Anyway as if you hadn’t previously guessed Martha Thursday spent the majority of last week enjoying the delights of Brighton and spotting some super duper shops and other reasons for you lot to take a trip to the shining, shameless and a little bit sexy-shabby seaside resort.

Oh em gee and this sickening teenage saying is entirely appropriate because that’s what I was in this shop, a sickening teenager. Oh the unknown joys of COS clothing!! The reason I was being such a sickening teenager was because I was picking up every item of clothing in store with absolutely no intention of buying it, I thought one particular assistant lady was going to bat me around the head with a coat hanger. Anyways, COS is all about easy happy clothing, you know easy breezy effortless- ‘Here I am world, don’t I look great but I don’t make any effort.’ The structured tailoring and waxy cotton shirts that go on here are just delicious. If you see any one in a really nice piece of high street clothing but you just can’t place where its from, it’s COS, the ikea, non-offensive clothing brand.
(COS east street Brighton)

Irregular Choice
Totally terry already a huge fan of this brand so I’m gonna be awfully biased. These just make your feet look so pretty and so different, it’s like if you were looking to do a bit of feet flirting you would wear these babies. But what I love about the shop in Brighton is that it is not the same high street  copies you find in every Schuh they also sell unique pieces not available in any schuh baby. I have to be supervised in that shop because I could quite easily come out with some of their more ridiculous creations. Stilts anyone?
(Irregular Choice, Brighton.)
(my many irregular choice purchases.)

Not joking this is the name of the shop. Now this ain’t no thortons, you have to be serious about your chocolate if you’re gonna play in this shop. Those in the know will know what i’m talking about here. Life size sculptures of Jack Russels, Will and Kate and even some S&M for those more daring chocolate lovers. It’s a little bit pricier than your average freddo frog with the minimum chocolate purchase being £10 but surely we can spare the cash? So what if Kate has Will, who needs him, we’ve got him in chocolate form, all the looks minus the bad father in law.
(Will and Kate in chocolate form.)

Cyber Candy
Brighton certainly bought out my sweet tooth. We spent a total of twenty minutes in this shop and a total of £42 which, for sweeties, is a little excessive. This shop is like the world food section in tesco but about a thousand times more exciting. Featuring the most curious sweets and chocolates from around the globe. Cookie dough bites, bacon flavour chewing gum, ice cream flavour oreos, Freddo frog becomes a koala Bear Etc. Sugar rush is an understatement.
(some of cyber candy's finest collection.)

(and we complained when freddos went up to 15p!)
(where our £42 went)
There were all sorts of other gorgeous glorious attractions and sights in Brighton but I was so busy enjoying them I didn’t get any pictures (well done.) So here are some more delicious miscellaneous finds minus the Martha Thursday description, enjoy, and if you have a few minutes pop and see them yourself.

(an opticians)
(a shop's changing room I occupied, you can just see me peeking out in the corner!)
(not your average book shop.)
(angel food bakery, mmmmm.)
(Ted Baker's ceiling display of upside down crockery.)
(Pylones-shiny happy home wears.)

1 comment:

  1. So lovely! Missed out the bits about the sticky pavements though....
