Tuesday 20 October 2009

fantasy high street

my shoppies!!!!!!

*SELFRIDGES, (oxford street London)
I swear there is no one on earth that can dislike  this shop, you can buy everything under the sun but the twist is everything is more magnificent and unusual than you could ever imagine!!

Plus it's windows are always fabulous, my very first and happiest memories of designer purchases occurred right here in this store.

Well when in London....

* THE HUMMINGBIRD BAKERY, (old Brompton road, south kensington)
Cupcakes anyone? I'd say so....

So so quaint, delicious, fabulous.

Cup cakes have to be the most fashionable food in the industry. There was even a feature article in American teen vogue about the little devils!


* LA MAISON DIOR (La rue de Montaigne, Paris)
The most exquisite store I have ever has the privilege of stepping into. Everything looks like it is tended to about twenty times daily and despite it being home to the most jaw dropping prices you are made to feel like royalty rather than unwelcome. 

My one and only glorious memory of the french exchange.

* RINKY TINKS ICE CREAM PARLOR (Marine parade, Lyme Regis)
My mother's pride and joy... and as biased as it might be it is fabulous.

Enjoy everything and anything from sundaes to toast...

I only wish someone else had thought of it so I wouldn't be quite so immune to it's charm.

* JUMEIRAH HOTEL (London, Dubai, Paris etc. etc.)
My favorite place to stay... 

This is so bloody luxurious and at a pretty reasonable price.
I reckon you can always tell when a hotel is fab because it provides you things you really won't be needing but are tempted to steel ie. an ipod docking system.

I have great memories from this hotel and the weekend it gave me.

Tell me about your fantasy high street!!!!

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