Wednesday 14 October 2009

this trend of time travel...

Fashion is all about timing. One week a pair of thigh high boots could get you a job at vogue the next they could land you a job as a hooker, purely because of bad timing. Some fashion is classic or Timeless which tends to be the easy option that we all want to stick to. So how do we know what trends will send us forward and which ones have missed the boat?

At the moment time is of the essence and decades are floating about all over the fashion scene so it's easy to feel a little like we're lost in limbo. Trends from this season include the pop of neon and bionic shoulder pads of the 1980s as seen in marc jacobs and in the form of leather skirts at Yves Saint Laurent. And what about the sudden step back to the 1940's dogtooth with Alexandra Mqueen and Stella Mccartney. It's hard to know what decade we're in any more!

Then there is the bang in fashion. The thing we've not seen before, the dawn of the future trend. This is arguably for the bravest of fashionistas who are looking for a fresh start not a rebound wardrobe. The trick to conquering the fashion time lapse is to break it. Don't stick to one time because that way you are not loyal to one decade. Choose pieces that can't be labeled as a particular era and encase yourself with the scary option of the future trend. Don't be afraid of something new because by wearing it you can never be outdated!

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