Friday 15 April 2011

How soon is too soon?

Love is well and truly in the air. Well far more serious than that, marriage is in the air. (Not for single ol' me of course so hold the champagne.) We have the royal wedding looming with Kate Middleton flouncing her fiance and fabulous ring around (bitch), and almost every publication I pick up is bursting at the seems with wedding related specials, Vogue ran a royal wedding special this month and OK displayed a 'best of' OK weddings.

 As I flicked through the pages of designer gowns and hideously expensive rings and oohed and ahhhhed I couldn't help but wonder how soon is too soon to plan ahead?

Now being 19, single, and hugely sceptical about romance I wouldn't usually be dreaming of planning ahead. However my mother recently announced that she has set up a wedding fund set up for me, so without me even being aware my wedding is already planning itself, I mean I have a wedding budget but no groom to go with it?! Surely this is madness?!

She then, to put the pressure on me further, pointed out that by my age she had already been dating her future husband and my father for 6 months. So according to her in wedding time I am running behind! Yikes, I am beginning to feel like a man in the sense that marriage seems to be running up behind me and biting me on the bum and I'm just not ready for the commitment. I can barely commit to a mascara let alone one man, should I really be looking for a spouse? This prospect worries me as most boys my age enjoy my company purely because they enjoy winding me up (note the use of boys and not men!)

So if I did start planning this early on what exactly would I, or could I plan? Surely your taste changes over years? I love the idea of prince charming now but will I still by the time I'm 30? (It's something about those white gloves they wear, maybe I should marry a magician?) And more the point what about the dress? In the fashion world trends change in a heart beat, wedding dresses are meant to be timeless and all but if you look back at some of your relatives 80's wedding gown choices you would probably rather wear your gym gear than spend a day in a peach merrang, so marital trends can change.

So I have decided I have a few years left before I have start writing down every time I see napkin rings that tickle my fancy. I have also decided that planning a wedding whilst I am very much still single is slightly bordering on phyco and probably not the best way to go about attracting a man.

An so to end this blog on a completely contradictory note, here are some wedding dresses to oooh and aaaah at!
(Kate in Dior)
(Chanel haute couture-spring/summer 2010)

(Charlotte Dellal wearing Giambattista Valli)
(Jean Paul Gaultier- for the slightly less cookie cutter bride.)

(Both Ellie Saab)

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