Friday 25 March 2011

The real Gok Shock

So as Gok's fashion roadshow comes to a close I left no longer craving the same amount of Gok that I used to...
I am feeling slightly over exposed to him, slightly worn down and (shockingly) growing increasingly irritated with him. Like when you've moved past the honeymoon stage of your relationship  and neither of you bother making the effort any more (yep those new look trackies came out again.) He doesn't bother trying to win me over any more and I don't bother to try and let him.

Why is this? Is it because I have seen him live twice in the space of 6 months and I feel like we should take a break? OR (heaven forbid) am I ready to dump Gok?

Don't get me wrong I am a real Gok lover (what straight woman isn't?) But this series he just wasn't doing it for me. I used to love the way Gok made me feel about fashion, like I was in on a secret, like it was just me who knew all these expertise but then I had a revelation....

I was sat watching Gok religiously as I alwayyyyssss do! It came to the point where he helps random members of the public (you know the part when a mass of fashion starved women bring a jumble sale worth of their clothes to swap with other women) anyway he started getting to grips with an apple shaped women when to my horror my flat mate, my male straight flat mate, said "add a belt."
"I'm sorry?!"
"It's the same every week" he said "'oooh she's a apple! add a belt'"

How was this possible? My straight male flat mate knew the secret! Was he right? Is Gok now that predictable that his style bible is now as mundane and predictable as fat face?

I also began to notice that he's picked up his game. One of the reasons why I adored watching Gok in the past was waiting for him to wreck an outfit by adding 6 different scarves or bizarre hat that he's made out of a bin lid. And I would love when you got to the end of the show and it would be his collection against Brix and his collection would stick out like a sore thumb and you would feel so gratified and clever that you could spot which collection was what. Not so much this season, he's gotten too good. And I don't like it.
 (See this is the kind of bizarre outfit that the Gok that I know and love would produce.)

So what to do? Well I love Gok too much to completely give up on him. I think we just need some time apart. I know I moan Gok but it would mean the world if you could whack out your gloves and scarves for every outfit again? Ta.

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