Monday 26 September 2011

Money matters

Me and my bank card have just had a very depressing 12 hours, I don't know how we'd cope if we didn't have each other. 

Yesterday I made the hugely miserable mistake of working out how much money I have spent since arriving back at uni, and I'm pretty sure I could buy Miley Cyrus' whole head of hair with the amount I've spent. Then today I queued for an hour and a half only to spend £274 on a bus pass, there are so many more exciting things that Reiss could have given to me for that money. And to further upset our harmonious relationship, my debit card decides to spend £45 in Tesco. Fabulous.
(This is literally what all clothes look like to me at the moment, a huge pile of cash that I can't afford.)

I spent the entire last few weeks trying to define the difference between what I wanted and what I needed. And, with the help of my student loan, these lines became very blurred. I WANT to go out every night and get completely, lying down in the gutter, licking ketchup off my oceana hot dog, plastered but this will cost me greatly, however it is essential that I maintain my Bristol friend ships and settle in accordingly so there fore I actually NEED to go out for my social benefits. 

Money really does matter. Especially now that you live alone and have to unfortunately pay for everything and more, IE when you stupidly decide to bring your ridiculous bunny, tootles, to university and he decides to chew threw the telephone wire and you have pay for a new one. It's not just yourself you're responsible for but your bunny too! No wonder your bank account is crying.
(Tootles the bunny, he's a menace)

Student loan= automatic debt. Even before you spend anything you amount this great loan that you have to eventually pay back. So knowing you already owe thousands of pounds is it not just worth saying 'f*ck it, yes I will have that enormously practical sequined crop top' I mean its bound to come in extremely handy and if you're in debt before you begin why not make it worse?  But following this theory there are gonna be times when your bank account is looking more pathetic than a hungover Tony Blair and you feel like you could really do with a job.

Gazing blankly at gum tree where the only jobs available are after hours toilet cleaning in Iceland (the supermarket not the country, Christ what a commute that would be), I cant help but feel like its more trouble than its worth.And I'm feeling like I'd rather be broke wearing last seasons clothes than be a little in the green wearing this seasons Iceland uniform. I do have one extremely lucky friend who always manages to scoop a reasonably decent job and she's always very good at them (which she got to hear all about because she works behind a bar and I had a few apple sourz in the system.)
(not feeling like this man is having total job satisfaction)

But even having a lovely jolly well paid job behind the bar (I'm being quite presumptuous here because I've only heard about her 1st shift whilst being quite merry), it still comes with many further costs and stresses. Whilst shopping for the ever exciting black uniform for her work, I was virtually risking life and limb as freshers flu had bought my normally very perky friend to grinding snotty halt. I thought that if we had asked her to try on a pair of black boots one more time she might actually hurl them at a shop assistant.

So after ruling getting a job out as a money solution, I got to thinking about what if I only got what I really needed, if I scrapped all my nonsense justifications for buying £80 dresses and taking out £30 for a night out. What if I just got all the necessities, after all the Beetles (and my duvet cover) dictate that 'love is all you need.' I tried this theory but in between being single, watching titanic and my house mates being home all weekend I wasn't exactly feeling the love and I'm afraid that something will have to replace that and that something is low fat Tesco rice pudding and jaeger bombs which cost money.
(equally important messages, gonna tuck myself up in love tonight.)

So after a very expensive freshers, re-freshers, de-stale week I have not really learnt anything other than this, there are times in life when you have to spend money and some times a lovely hug from the person you love most just wont cut it and the only way to go is a huge night out and chips and gravy at the end. Amen.

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