Wednesday 10 February 2010

ooooh time to get serious....?

Right so it's valentines day coming up which you either love or hate depending on whether you're single not single, newly wed or on Jeremy Kyle with marital issues. But I think it's time that I introduced you to my other half....

The love of my life, my marc by marc jacobs bag. We are rarely seen apart, we go everywhere together and I feel like I can trust him with anything. I have no idea what I would do if it were ever to 'split'

Right ok corny jokes aside this bag is the love of my life. It was my first designer bag and only one to date. I have a feeling that I will have many love affairs in the future with many other bags but none will quite mean as much to me as me ol' reliable. It is true I have many lovers in the form of Burberry skirts, Chanel wallets and Paul & Joe dresses but there's something about the bag that's as special as the day I got it. There is true love in that bag and I think that everyone out there eventually finds their couture couple that could last longer than a relationship or, god forbid, even a marriage. This is more than just an 'it' bag, this is for life.

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